How to Add Biss Key in Different Receivers


How to Add Biss Key in Different Receivers

How to Enter Biss Key in Different Receivers


What is Biss Key 

(Basic Interoperable Scrambling System, (BISS)

Prior to its development, “ad hoc” or “occasional use” satellite news feeds were transmitted either using proprietary encryption methods (e.g. RAS, or PowerVu) or without any encryption. Unencrypted satellite feeds allowed anyone with the correct equipment to view the program material.

Proprietary encryption methods were determined by encoder manufacturers and placed major compatibility limitations on the type of satellite receiver (IRD) that could be used for each feed. BISS was an attempt to create an “open platform” encryption system, which could be used across a range of manufacturers equipment.

There are mainly two different types of BISS encryption used:

BISS-1 transmissions are protected by a 12 digit hexadecimal “session key” that is agreed by the transmitting and receiving parties prior to transmission. The key is entered into both the encoder and decoder, this key then forms part of the encryption of the digital TV signal and any receiver with BISS-support with the correct key will decrypt the signal.
BISS-E (E for encrypted) is a variation where the decoder has stored one secret BISS-key entered by for example a rightsholder. This is unknown to the user of the decoder. The user is then sent a 16-digit hexadecimal code, which is entered as a “session key”. This session key is then mathematically combined internally to calculate a BISS-1 key that can decrypt the signal.

Only a decoder with the correct secret BISS-key will be able to decrypt a BISS-E feed. This gives rightsholder control as to exactly which decoder can be used to decrypt/decode a specific feed. Any BISS-E encrypted feed will have a corresponding BISS-1 key that will unlock it.
BISS-E is amongst others used by EBU to protect UEFA Champions League and other high profile satellite feeds.

How to Add Biss Key in GLOBO, ORTON 4100 7010, etc.

Click on any channel  9339 go Key Edit -tuples. A window will appear with encodings select BISS-OK. 
SEE: # 0 Provider Tire Inde Key Data
001 000004 Even ff 107220A215050721
press GREEN -add or RED -edit.
You can edit and non-working key
SEE: CAID Serviseid Freg Tire Key Data
ENTER: 2600 00198С 12073 KEY8 1A2B3C004D5E6F00
Click OK. Save the key and exit the menu.

Second way

Click on the desired channel to enter the key, click info and then the red button and enter the desired key.
The method works in new firmware versions.


How to Add Biss Key In STARTRAK 550D, globo7 … series with factory or old firmware!.

On any channel 9339 or 9976 depends on the firmware.
The list of encodings goes BISS- OK.
Provider ID 00 00 00 
Transponde Freg 
Servis id 
Become on and loudness + or – choose
See: Provider id 00 00 00 – do not touch this column
00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff – here we enter the key
Transponder freg – we enter the frequency of the transport 
Servis id – we enter the ID 
PMT PID – leave unchanged

How to Add Biss Key in OPENBOX 800 series

We become on the channel – on which it is necessary to enter a key. 
We press MENU – 1117 A window opens with encodings. Select BISS. OK. 
SEE: Vidio Key Audio Key
01 112233445566 112233445566
02 abcdeffedcba abcdeffedcba 
Choose a non-working key or empty click the RED BUTTON – edit and enter the key 2 times 
Press the OK button.  – it is saved then OK again.  -activate the key. The string with the key should light up a blue tint. 
Exit the menu and enjoy watching!

How to Add Biss Key in Arion-like (OPENBOX-1700, F-100, 8100CI, 210CI, X-600, X-610, X-620 and POWERSKY8210 / Lemberg / ARION)

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the full software name of your tuner, for example, S821CISKV_ $ SPR_A3238– if there is no $ sign in the name, then software without an emulator. therefore it is necessary to reprogram the tuner. If the sign is present, then proceed to the following actions: 
1. Press “Menu”
2. Dial the number of digits 19370 consecutively, after which the frame is displayed, immediately dial 2486 in it .. 
3. Then select the “Games” item in which is an emulator. 
4. If there is no frame after the first 5 digits, it means an error was made when entering… Completely exit the menu and start with the first item. 


On the relevant sites, we find the required provider.
Viasat ticket ……………………………. Provider name id: 010C10 ………………………………. Identification number 
0E: ……………………………… ………… The number of working operational key 
30 C5 43 D1 37 04 7C 87 …………………. Directly the key (hex system)
We proceed to the order of entry: 
1. Click on the “Menu” tuner 
2. Go to the “Games”
item 3. Select the “ HEX EDIT” (Key Editor) 
item 4. Set “0000”
5. Set the required encoding in this case VIACCESS 
6. We look for the provider’s identification code in the tuner in the general list as V 00010C10 7. 
Select the key number 0E .. in the tuner, it looks like V 00010C10 0E 
8. After the cursor is on the provider number we need and press the red button “ EDIT” (Edit)
9. Once again we check the provider number and key number !!! 
10. Omit the cursor on the 8-bit key and click “OK”
11. Subsequently, carefully typing the working key by moving the cursor up, down, left, right, and when you select “OK” in this case, this key 30 C5 43 D1 37 04 7C 87 
12. After entering all the numbers, press on the tuner’s remote “EXIT”
13. The tuner asks “Save Changes”? 
14. Making sure that the cursor is NOT on the “Cancel” item, press “OK”
15. Then we press “ EXIT” all the time until we completely exit the tuner menu 
16. Find the appropriate channel and enjoy the view. The sequence of actions is similar to other encodings.

How to Add Biss Key in Octagon-SF-918

Press–> Menu -> Module -> EMU Ke y  -> 
Use the blue button to find the Biss Key -> 
Red button
Flow Rate–> 
Polarization–> Enter the Key– 

How to Add Biss Key in Opticum 9500 HD and Orton 9500 HD

To enter BISS keys, you must initially follow the recommendations on how to make BISS encoding appear in the key editor. 
If in the key editor you do not have the BISS encoding: 
1. On any channel from the remote, enter the code – 9339. 
2. Go to the submenu “Code Editor ” and enter the encoding menu the BISS:
3. Press the “green” button to add a new key: 
4. Fill in the appropriate settings: 
CAID – reserve identifier codes BISS – 2600. 
Channel id- here we enter the Sid of the channel in hexadecimal format, for example, for the TET channel it will be – 0017DE. You can get the channel Sid if you double-click the I button on the channel and see it in the line – Channel ID. 
Frequency – here we enter the transponder frequency from which the channel broadcasts in the BISS coding. 
Key data- here we enter the key itself, and the key checksums can be omitted, but leave them zero and the receiver recounts them (that is, if the key consists of 6 pairs, enter 3 pairs then 00 and the next 3 pairs and 00). To enter key values, you can use the up / down buttons or enter letters using the numeric buttons on the remote, only to enter a letter, for example, B – first press button 2, after the cursor jumps to the next character, to return press the back button, after press 2, back again and 2, in the end, we have the entered letter “B”. 
5. Save the key by pressing the OK button and to exit press EXIT. 
If no errors were made when adding the key, the receiver will open it.

How to Add Biss Key in EUROSAT -EUROSKY 8004–3023

We press: MENU-OK-FEATURES-OK-Key Editor -OK
We see: NAGRA 
the CDW the BISS OSK-Odecca 
Key the select NONE 
Let’s go to CDW BISS OSK-Odessa and click – OK
Key Select Constant DW will appear Press VOLUME + BISS will appear – OK
Go Key no key 
Enter the Key 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 00 and click OK saving it and at the same time activate.

How to Add Biss Key in Aurum 8000 (8500)

Turn on the tuner, enter the emulator menu (press the “Menu” button, and then type 8888 on the numeric keypad of the remote control ). Here you can view and edit keys. Switching between bookmarks encodings carried color buttons on the remote control. 
Enter the menu of the desired encoding (say Seca). 
Encoding must be activated, in the upper right corner of the tablet on a blue background it will be written “Active”. 
Select the package we need (say Media Tech), click “OK ” to open the “Edit Key Information” window. The first digit in the “Provider” window and in the window below is the letter “a”. 
The green button on the remote move letters and numbers of the code. Button right / left
select the letter to insert “a”, ”b”, … ”f”, as well as “OK” and “Cancel”. Buttons and 1, 2, 3, … .9, 0 insert the numbers we need. 
For example, we need to enter codes for Media Tech for the month of October. They went into the emulator 
(“Menu” – 8888), entered the menu of the Seca coding (press the “blue” button on the remote ), use the up / down buttons to look for our Media Tech, it consists of “Key 0c”, “Key 0d”, “Key 0e”. 
We chose “Key 0c”, click “ OK ” on the remote, the “Edit Key Information” window was opened. Enter the “Key 0c” we have using the right / left and 1, 2, 3, … .9, 0 buttons . After both entered the code «Key 0c», keys left / right select “OK”, press “OK” on the remote control, so that the code entered by us will be remembered. 
We perform the same procedure with “Key 0d” and “Key 0e”.

Enter keys BISS

In the ID field, the first column, the identification number is not fully entered. 
1FFF … and the last two ID numbers. For example – 1FFFAA, instead of 19АА as in other tuners

How to Add Biss Key in EVOLUTION EVO 700 S

Manual input from the tuner console The tuner 
has a rich service capability. Information about the current tuner channel enabled can be obtained by repeatedly pressing the “ info ” button on the tuner console. If the channel is coded, then by pressing the lower swing button “page”, we will learn about the encoding, see the channel SID {on the left, under the key Key}, and for the working channel and the current key. If all fields are empty, you should erase the channel and register it again.
Consider the method of entering the keys of a specific channel, for example, described above, the channel “Megasport”.
Here is the channel data again:
Megasport {4.0 W} Amos
10722 H 27500 ID: 0001
HEX Key: AB CD EF 67 FE DC BA 94
If, by pressing the lower “ page ” swing button in the “Key” field, we see only zeros, then go to the “encoding” section, find the transponder key 10723: 27500: H: 0005 in the “BISS” coding and delete it by pressing the yellow button. In place of the keys is an empty blank line. Next, exit the menu using “ EXIT”, and without moving from the channel, press the lower swing button “ page”. Now, by pressing the red “Edit” button, we enter our key AB CD EF 67 FE DC BA 94 in the “Key” field. After entering the code, you exit the mode with the “OK ” button- the bottom button of the character column on the TV screen. To fix the key binding to the channel, press “ MENU ”, go back to the ECU, find our transponder and use the green “Edit” button, change the index 04 to automatic 00. Exit with “ OK ” on the screen.
In the tuner software for BISS keys, limited memory space is allocated, which is usually completely full of different, often useless keys.
To add a new key, you need to go to the EMU, delete one of the keys recorded there {preferably, useless}. In place of the remote key will remain a blank line in the key table Then go out of the EMU, press the lower button swing ” page ” and enter the key. If necessary, return to the EMU and replace the index in the line of our key, which appeared in place of the empty line, with automatic 00.
Note: the sharing should be enabled. Turning on / off the sharing is done by dialing F 1, 0, 0, 0.

How to Add Biss Key in DRE (4000, 5000 and 7300)

On all DRE receivers (4000, 5000 and 7300) in the latest firmware version, there is support for biss. Now all receivers DRE come with a new firmware. keys are driven into
menu -> setup -> conditional access -> BISS. 
The keys for DRE are only BISS and then you can only drive no more than 7 pieces.

How to Add Biss Key in Samsung DSR 9500

Select a channel. Press the red button. Take the frequency, SID, PMT. 
We go from the computer to the calculator choose
view + engineering, and press F6 then enter the frequency For example: 11390 and press F5 and enter Hex 2С7Е 
sid for Inter 0000 01 , PMT for Inter 000 00 HEX key: ac12344321ca Press 
0 + MENU and select Key Edit then BISS. Select an unnecessary cell and enter. 
[frequency] + [SID + PMT Byte] + [KEY] 

How to Enter Biss Key in Smart MX 04

Enable the emulator in the MX-04 and enter the key editing menu
1. Menu
2. System installation
3. TV system
4. Press 9999 to activate or deactivate the emulator. 
To add the necessary key in Byss, you need to delete the unnecessary. Then register the name of the channel, as it is written in the channel list and enter the key. After this procedure, press the “save” button. This is the only way that the key is correctly preserved. If you just add a new one, then not what you enter is saved.

How to Enter Biss Key and CONSTANT DW in Openboxes – x-7

Open 770 
1. Log in to the emulator and sh * ring menu – the MENU> 8282
2. Master PIN code – 1407
(also, if you enter Master PIN Code in the “System Information” – displays the date of the software and other data.) 
3.On Remote press Menu> 8282> (select the “ <> “ slot with the required provider) > (go down) Autoscroll .. <> On
How to add a Const CW: 
menu – 8282 
green button “Add slot” 
select Const CW = > OK
add 16-byte const CW, breaking it into two parts
then click the “Channel” field and select the channel to which you want to bind Const CW 
exit “Exit” => save = > YES
we are looking at the channel 
in the softcam section was added

a) in the new software version. added identity to the channel … how this function works:
1 – first you need to turn on the channel to which you want to assign the CAID / PROV ID 
2 – the entrance to the menu K @ W is the same, menu 8282 – the “blue” button (now this menu is called IDENT) 
3 – in the menu, K @ W click on the “ yellow ” button, select the desired CAID / PROV ID in the window and then click “OK” (you must enter the Channel ID manually, or adjust the 00 00 00 that the receiver gives out). 
4 – exit the “Exit” emulator menu 
5 – while on the channel, press and hold the “Exit” button for 2-3 seconds 
6 – in the window select the required identity and click “OK”(in the window, only those IDs that you previously selected in the IDENTITY menu “ yellow button” will be displayed ). 
7 – all channels with the same CAID / PROV ID can be linked without going into the emu 

How to Enter Biss Key in OpenBox 600

1. Click on the “Menu” tuner 
2. Go to the “Games”
item 3. Select the “Hex Edit” (Key Editor) 
item 4. Type “0000”
5. Create the required encoding in this case Viaccess 
6. Look in the general list identification code of the provider in the tuner it looks like this V 00010С10
8. Select the key number 0E. . in the tuner it looks like this V 00010c10 0e
9. After the cursor is on the provider number and key we need, we press the red “edit” button (Edit) 
10. Once again we check the provider number and the key number !!! 
11. We lower the cursor on the 8-bit key and click “ok”
12. Subsequently, carefully type the working key with the characters by moving the cursor up, down, left, right, and in the habit of pressing “ok” in this case, this key 30 C5 43 D1 37 04 7c 87
13. After entering all the numbers, press on the tuner ’s remote exit ”
14. Does the tuner ask“ Save Changes ”? 
15. Making sure that the cursor is NOT on the “Cancel” item, press “OK”
16. Then we press “ exit” all the time until we completely exit the tuner menu 
17. Find the appropriate channel and enjoy the view. The sequence of actions is similar to other encodings.

How to Enter Biss Key in Skyfly 780

To enter the missing key, you need to go to the channel for which the key will be entered – 
then click on the remote control Menu – tools – select the key editor, – 
then select the encoding of our channel, for example, “sts”, – 
select CDW / BISS and press OK. 
will throw us into the line where we need to enter the key 
– then click OK and the channel should open

How to Enter Biss Key in Strong Receivers

Using TET as an example, it will look like this: 
menu – installation – OK – (pin code) 0000 – system setting – OK – system information – OK – 4225 – press the vol + – buttons, we find the Biss encoding on the remote control a white button — press the red button on the remote (red ADD on the screen ) —we fetch 0017DE- (numbers are dialed by numbers, letters are typed by the buttons of the channel + – – console, – OK – in the left column Provider we find this new provider that we have just entered 0017DE (usually it appears at the bottom of the list), – once click on the white console a button (we get into editing the key itself) —and now we enter the key itself in the key number input field, replacing the numbers 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 with the required 19 ** ** ** ** ** ** E7. Click OK, in the drop-down box the question is, save all the above done, click Yes, press the back button on the remote and answer again in the drop-down menu Yes.

How to Enter Biss Key in Svec A-8

On the Svec-a8 keys, you can hammer and with the remote.
Click the Configuration OK menu. Input code OK. 
We select the coding, the cursor to the right to the left. 
Next, see the clue in the running line. 
And tips to color buttons. 
Add – Add . Save – Save . Delete – Delete . 
We collect the satellite degree. 
We type the frequency. 
We collect the key. 
We save.

How to Enter Biss Key in Hivision and clones

1. To enter the emulator, you need to become in the menu on the “Config STB”
tab 2. Press button 1 in sequence, then 2, then 3, then 4 The
emulator menu appears. 
3. Become a point BISS click OK
The keys in Biss encoding are as follows.
1. –xxxx – yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy
where number 1 is just the line number that does not affect the key!
xxxx is the provider’s code 
yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy – key
Select the non-mobile key and edit it.
For example, the key to Megasport
1. 0001 – AB CD EF 00 FE DC BA 00
To add another key, press the “Red” button to remove the “ Green”
4. Press the Exit button, the tuner asks “Save?”, Click “OK” and all …
exit the menu and watch the channel Megasport
Similarly, with any keys of the BISS format, any satellite.

How to Enter Biss Key in STRONG 4402 

If it is stitched under the emulator
A window opens:
as op key code
Volume (+) choose:
1 P 012073 09 ABCDEFFEDCBA0000 
3 P 012073 OF ABCDEFFEDCBA0000
We find a non-working key and edit it: we turn on the key and thunder. + Select the graph with the transponder and click OK and edit it and save it OK. Edit the transponder in all 3 columns. 
Then, in the same way, we edit the key itself 3 times and save it then press the GREEN button to save all changes. Exit the MENU and see: if everything is done correctly, the channel opens immediately.

How to Enter Biss Key in GS Receivers

1. We start on the channel that we want to open. 
2. Enter the BISS menu section:
3. Select Mode 1
4. We drive the key type 8D 6F 6B DD GF 84 AD AA 
Then switch to the next character and use the up / down button to select the desired value …
5. Then you need to stand on the coded channel and indicate which of the keys should be used for decoding. (associate the channel with a specific key). 
In order for the settings to be saved in the memory of the tuner, it is necessary upon completion of all operations to turn the receiver ON / OFF with the remote control.

How to Enter Biss Key in star asr3530 and others like this

We become on the channel that we want to open.
go to the menu, select: parental lock – ok.
we become: the emulator code and type the code (default 0000)
choose biss – ok
see: Provider 1f ff 00
key number 00
key data ab cd ef fe dc ba 00 00
choose a non-working key and edit it, just the key. 
note the key is written only like this: 11 22 33 44 55 66 00 00
click OK – save the key
exit the menu.

How to Enter Biss Key in Topfield SAT TF 4000Fi

To get to the key editing menu, on the remote you need to press the ‘ Menu ‘ button and enter the number 121 .
Select the option ‘Edit Key’. Editing keys. However, when editing keys from the console, we will not be able to enter keys for Via 2, since we will not be able to enter key 18.
Via2 keys can only be added using a computer.
b) Downloading keys using a computer
1. Turn off the computer and the receiver, connect them with a cable. 
2. Turn on the computer and receiver. 
3. On the computer, run the Hyperterminal program, create a new connection with any name. 
4. In the new connection, select the com-port and specify the settings 
5. After the connection is established, select the ‘Transfer’ menu -> ‘Capture Text …’. Enter the name for our key file. 
6. Go to the hidden receiver key menu (press the Menu button on the remote and enter the number 121) and select the ‘Dump code to PC’ option 
7. After we receive all the keys, select the Hyperterminal ‘Transfer’ -> ‘Capture Text … menu ‘-> Stop 
8. Open the resulting file and edit / add new keys.Keys for Via2 are added as follows : V IDENT 08 [XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX]
Ie we divide the 16-byte key into 2 keys of 8 bytes, the first key has the number 08, second 18)
9. After the key file is ready, select the Hyperterminal Transfer menu -> ‘Send File …’, select our key file, and in the protocol field, select Xmodem, click the ‘Send’ button. 
10. Go to the hidden key menu of the receiver (press the Menu button on the remote and enter the number 121) and select the option ‘Download code from PC’. Click the ‘Ok’ button. 
11. We are waiting until the window with running interest disappears. This completes the key casting process.

Updating the Topfield 4000Fi software using another Topfield 4000Fi receiver, transferring settings, channel list, keys

* The receiver from which we will copy the software will call the master receiver. 
* The receiver to which we will upload the software is called the slave receiver. 
1. Disconnect both receivers from the network. 
2. We connect them with an RS-232 cable
3. Turn on the master receiver, go to ‘Menu’ -> ‘Installation’ (Installation) -> ‘Transfer software to another receiver’ (Transfer Firmware to Other IRD). Click OK. 
4. Turn on the second receiver in the network. 
5. The software download process is in progress. Attention, do NOT turn off the receivers and do not interrupt the process of transferring the software until only a green light flashes on the slave receiver.
6. When only a green light flashes on the slave receiver, you can turn off the receivers and disconnect the cable. The software transfer process is complete. 
> To transfer all settings, the list of channels and keys, the procedure is the same as when transferring software, but in the 3rd item in the menu, instead of transferring software, select the item Transfer data to another resource (Transfer Data to Other IRD )

How to Enter Biss Key in Smart Enigma X5

Enable and disable emulation. 
Click Menu-> Mute + 999
1) enter the menu of keys: Menu–> System Settings–> Manual Key 
2) view and change the key of the switched on the channel: INFO + 0 
3) List of all ECMs in this channel: INFO + 1
if the key does not open the channel, delete some unnecessary keys in the BIS section, and then try to drive the key you need

How to Enter Biss Key in Octagon SF1008HD, Openbox S7 HD PVR, and others. Clones based on the STI7101 processor

Openbox S7 HD TWIN PVR internal emulator: an explanation for users 
In addition to the MgCamd emulator, Openbox has a so-called “internal”, a simplified emulator that allows you to view some of the coded channels (in BISS and DCW (static key)), but this emulator does not provide for using the sharing tool.
The internal emulator is enabled by default. Menu> Conditional Access> 1407> Built-in Card Slot> On 
When you turn off the built-in emulator, you can use MgCamd. 
To enter the key you need to go to the menu and dial 8282 to enter the working BISS, DCW key we need urgent Softcam
discovered by its editor, for internal emu need only the 8-byte key (8 pairs, 16 characters) in the emulsion. Zahodim Menu-8282
In the column, Conditional access is left 00
In the column Biss on any line, click on OK and use the remote control to drive a key. 
Numbers – numbers on the remote, letters – select the cursor buttons
and then click on Exit, we confirm the preservation, cut in the Biss Council and after a couple of seconds, it should work.
There are 10 slots in the firmware (the number can be reduced or added). 
The red button removes the entire slot with four lines where the keys are driven. 
The green button, on the contrary, will add an additional slot with 4 lines, where it will be possible to drive in new keys. 
The yellow button clears the key slot, i.e. all 4 lines of the slot are reset to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 The 
blue button resets to the keys that were already driven into the software, i.e. default.
 do the same with DCW statics.

How to Enter Biss Key in CosmoSAT 7800 7810 7820 series.

1. Press the Menu button – >> 3030 – we fall into the Supermenu. 
2. Next, select the KEY Code System 
3. Select the encoding type /, for example, BISS / 
4. Next Yellow ADD button (add) 
5. There where PROV ID enter 00 1F FF 00 
6. Click the yellow button (save) 
7. After proceeding to input key – go to the right button (KEY DATA) 
8. Enter the key itself 
9. Next, the yellow button (save). 
10. Then, via the “TXT ” button, enter the name for the key/name as in the channel list. The channel name and the key name must match: in cases with other channels, you will have to go to the MENU, then CHANNEL MANAGEMENT
and correct the name of the channel so that it coincides with the key name ./ – this will allow the receiver to understand for which particular channel this key is. 
Save, exit the key editor, turn on the channel, it should work.

How to Enter Biss Key in Euston STV 2005 (emulator activation)

A menu with a key editor and an emulator is included in the title of any menu with a combination of buttons on the remote – “7799”. After that you will see a menu with a set of keys and a choice of encodings:
• The GUIDE (EPG) button on the receiver’s remote control allows you to edit and add keys in BISS coding. 
• The red button on the receiver’s remote control allows you to edit and add keys in Seca’s encoding. 
• The green button on the receiver’s remote allows you to edit and add keys in the Nagravision encoding. 
• The blue button on the receiver’s remote allows you to edit and add keys in Irdeto encoding. 
• The yellow button on the receiver remote allows you to edit and add keys in Viaccess encoding.

How to Enter Biss Key in SMART RAPIDO, SMART MX04

Select the inactive key, get on it, press the RED edit button, a panel with a keyboard will appear and we will write a new name for the channel as it is written in the tuner. 
Save the name of the button on the keyboard. 
We press the volume + and go to the key. RED button – edit the key and save it also with the red
button. We leave the menu and enjoy viewing. When entering a key, it is advisable to stand on any other channel. 

How to Enter Biss Key in ORTON HD X403p

Keys can be entered in three ways: 
First method. 
As on all global podobnyh through 9339 (see. The beginning of the topic). 
The second way. 
Menu-Conditional Access-Sa setting-edit keys. 
The third way. 
The easiest and easiest. 
Press the I (info) button 2 times, the red button 2 times. Go to the key for the channel that you just watched. In this case, the frequency and identity are already registered, it remains only to enter the key itself. 
P.S. Do not forget to click OK at the end of the key entry 

How to Enter Biss Key in Globo 7 series, STARTRAK 550D … series with factory or with old firmware!

On any channel 9339 or 9976 depends on the firmware.
The list of encodings goes BISS- OK.
Provider ID 00 00 00 
Transponde Freg 
Servis id 
Become on and loudness + or – choose
See: Provider id 00 00 00 – do not touch this column
00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff – here we enter the key
Transponder freg – we enter the frequency of the transport 
Servis id – we enter the ID 
PMT PID – leave without changes

How to Enter Biss Key in Globo KR-220 KR-110

Menu 8888 – get into the encoding menu.
Use the blue button to select the desired encoding. For example, encoding BISS. 
We find a non-working key click EDIT : 
enter the provider 1fff01
click OK save the key. Exit the menu and enjoy the view.

How to Enter Biss Key in SAMSUNG with EMU 6.x firmware and above

Using the DSR STUDIO 1.3

program. Using Rai Asia as an example. Frequency 10992 Frequency in hex format —-> 2AF0 Input
Frequency frequency (hex) = 2AF0
sid + PMT = 3600 (SID and PMT can be viewed by pressing the info (red)
key = XXXXXX XXXXXX (without 4th and 8th bytes)
Frequency (HEX), SID (Last byte) + PMT (Last byte) …
Frequency (HEX), SID (last two bytes) + PMT (last two bytes)
PS Channels are not always registered at frequencies declared on sites of the lingsat type, so you need to enter those frequencies (HEX registered a channel in the tuner).

Entering the BISS key using the remote control:

Go to the menu of HIM (0 + menu) -> key editor -> BISS. Use the CH + or CH- buttons to select either an empty line or a line with an unnecessary key, and press OK. A blank line appears in which we enter the above-described combination of numbers in the same format: Frequency (HEX), SID (last two bytes) + PMT (last two bytes)

Enter the static key (DCW)

The static key consists of 32 digits (16 bytes). Among which is working only half (8 bytes). Therefore, we divide the key in half and get 2 keys of 8 bytes each, which we will enter on the queue. 
For example: 
There is a working key B 39D3 00 A1B43D92456B9B4B7716C24F0E1F7EAB; RTVi DETSKY MIR TJ 13 ° E 
Having broken it into 2 parts, we get: 
4th and 8th bytes are excluded 
channel frequency of 12322 = 3022 (HEX), SID (39D3) , PMT (002C) 
According algorithm Frequency (HEX), SID (the last two bytes) + PMT (the last two bytes) yields 2 sequence 
1) 3022D32CA1B43D456B9B 
2) 3022D32C7716C20E1F7E 
working of which only one. 
They are entered in turn using the DSR STUDIO 1.3 program, or from the console as a regular BISS key
Samsung 9400-9500
Many – System info – 0000 – OK

How to Enter Biss Key in Technosat 7002M

To switch on the emulator, type F1 000. We
become on the desired channel and press Page down.
Then a window pops up in which, by pressing the red button, editing (entering) a 12-digit key 
by pressing the blue button, you can enter a 24-digit key

How to Enter Biss Key in GLOBE 4100 7010 etc. 

(TRUMAN firmware)

on any channel 9339  go Key Edit -OK. A window will appear with encodings select BISS-OK.
SEE: # 0 Provider Tire Inde Key Data
001 000004 Even ff 107220A215050721
press  GREEN -add or RED -edit. You can edit the non-working key Example fork. Inter 4W
SEE: CAIO Serviseid Freg Tire Key Data
ENTER: 2600 000001 10890 KEY8 AC 12 34 00 43 21 CA 00
Click OK. Save the key and exit the menu.
If the BISS graph disappeared in the encoding menu: Go to the encoding menu. Select any encoding, press the green add button and in the first column enter the identity of BISS 2600 and save. As a result, we have a BISS section without keys. Enter the keys manually.

How to Enter Biss Key in ALFA GOLD Receivers 

To enter Biss keys in Alpha Gold 
1 enters the receiver 
2 menu, select the Edit Biss 
3 option, select an unused key row and enter the key (For Home D1 23 45 00 67 89 AB 00, CTC C1 23 45 00 67 89 AB 00 ). 
4 press the OK button on the remote; 
5 go to the line down and select the channel to which the key was entered. 
6 Press INFO – green button on the remote control, in order to save the keys 
7 press the Exit button. 
You may need to turn off and turn on the receiver after this.

How to Enter Biss Key in NEC Arion AF-8500, 9300PVR processors

1. Connect the receiver to the mains and to the TV.
2. Press MENU on the remote control (PU) receiver
3. Go to the TOOLS submenu (Utilities)
4. Go to the submenu GAMES (Games)
5. Dial on PU – 9999
6. If done correctly, the MCAS submenu will appear. 
7. When you try to go there, the receiver will require a password – 0000
8. Go to the MCAS submenu, select the tab with the desired encoding and edit the keys as you need.
9. Exit all menus and enjoy watching private channels.

How to Enter Biss Key in Euston 3005

Entering Biss keys:
On the encoded channel -> MENU -> Options -> Key Editor -> (CDW / BISS + “OK”) ->
-> (CONSTANT DW + “VOL +”) -> (BISS + “OK”) -> (NO KEY + “OK”)
-> (BISS + “OK”) -> (881402000000000000 + “VOL +”) ->
-> (dial BISS-key + “OK”) -> the channel should open -> EXIT …
The letters A, B, C in the key are typed by pressing “2” again, the 
letters D, E, F by pressing “3” again.

How to Enter Biss Key in Globo F10

Biss encoding only
1. If you have a receiver with factory firmware, then first you need to reflash it with firmware with support for BISS encoding, which is here Globo F10. After that, in the “Menu / Add. function ”will appear an additional line -“ Menu Biss keys ”.
2. In order to open the coded channel in BISS, first select the channel of interest, go to “Menu / Add. function/menu Biss keys.
3. Move to the line “BISS none key”, press the “right” button on the remote control and select any position with an arbitrary key.
4. After selecting a position, press the “OK” button twice on the remote control and enter the key itself, and the key checksums can be omitted, and zeroes can be written instead
5. Having entered the key, we press the “OK” button on the remote control and exit this menu by pressing the “MENU” button three times. If you did everything correctly, the coded channel will open.

How to Enter Biss Key in Evolution INFINITY HDTV

Enable emulator:
Menu- -> Module —–> Press the red button !!! default code 000 .After that, the pop-up menu CAS is necessary to
choose the desired setting
features for Megasport channel 1 + 1, TRK Kiev district edaktore BISS keys assigned ID 2000,2001,2002 respectively.

How to Enter Biss Key in General Satellite receivers (GS)

Enter and edit keys
BISS keys must be entered through a special section of the menu.
Step 1
Turn on the channel for which you need to enter the key. 
Press the Menu button on the remote, the Main menu appears on the TV screen. 
Select the item BISS. 
Step 2
This screen will open. There is a line with a drop-down list for selecting the encoding mode.
Step 3
Actually, only Mode 1 is implemented. His and choose. 
Click OK.
Step 4
Now the menu screen will look like this. 
There are 7 lines for entering keys.
Move the cursor to any unoccupied line and click OK. 
Step 5
A popup window has appeared. Now, in fact, enter the key. 
Move between the digits by pressing the left / right arrow buttons. 
Key numbers can be entered directly by pressing the buttons with the dial on the remote. 
In order to enter a letter, select the desired digit with the left and right arrow buttons, then press the up and down arrow buttons. Values ​​will change in the carousel mode: 0,1,2, … .9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 0.1 … ..
Often the question arises, how many numbers (letters) should be in the BISS key? 
Answer: 16. But you were given a 12-digit key? Then you need to enter this: XX XX XX YY YY YY 00. Those. First, enter the first 6 digits of the key, then finish 2 zeros, then another 6 digits of the key, and again finish with two zeros.
When you have entered all the digital-letters of the key, press the OK button on the remote. 
The edit window closes. 
The cursor is on the line with the key you just entered. To activate the key, press the yellow button. 
The key will be used precisely for the channel on which they stood at the entrance to the menu! In principle, you can score several keys at once, then move the cursor to the required one and press the yellow button. Do the same if the channel uses different keys at different times. 
A message will appear indicating that the key is applied to the channel. Click OK on the remote.
Exit the menu with the EXIT button.
Attention! For everything to be exactly remembered, we translate the receiver into StandBy, then turn it on again! Now the keys are not lost when power is lost.

How to Enter Biss Key in General Satellite CI 7101 digital receiver 

1. Go to the main menu of the receiver using the remote control 
2. Select the Biss section 
3. Select No Key
4. Press OK
5. Enter the key using the digital buttons on the remote, 
confirm the key with the OK button.

How to Enter Biss Key in GI S8120 / AMIKO SHD 8900

– The built-in emulator is used, starting with firmware v.1.2.31. 
– Find the channel you want to watch. 
– Pre-recognize him key BISS. 
– Let’s show on the example of satellite channel “Inter”. The BISS key for “Inter”: AC 12 34 XX XX XX XX XX 
– You need to know some more data. 
– We get on this channel and press the INFO button twice on the remote control, then the red button (details). 
– We rewrite or remember the service ID: 0001 and the frequency at the very bottom of the window – 11389. 
– Press the Exit button 2 times. 
– Press Menu, then 9999 and get to the key editing menu.
– Enter the frequency 11389, service ID 0x0001 and the key itself. 
– Click Exit and that’s it. If done correctly, the channel should start showing right away.

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